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Telecare: delivering savings in Hillingdon

As director of social care telecare Hillingdon council saw a shift from institutional care to prevention

How to improve service efficiency and build quality care for residents? This is the challenge that we face when I joined Hillingdon Council in 2010. Our goal has been to provide productivity gains £ 8.5m in adult social in 2012/13.

With the third largest proportion of expenditure in Greater London accommodation and nursing, and a growing population of over-85, it was clear that we needed a new model of care that helped people to continue to live independently in their own homes, reducing the need for institutional care.

telecare We believed had the potential to lead this change institutionalized care, prevention services that support independence for people. However, you also need to act quickly to relieve the growing pressure on resources and achieve our goals.

change of conduct

The starting point was an overhaul of how people evaluated the care after leaving the hospital, or when your needs change.

Hillingdon offered a hotline and traditional button-box "for residents of 25 years. In 2010, it was decided to extend this service to a wider range of equipment to support Personalized people according to their specific needs.

The new service provides telecare sensors to meet the needs of individuals, personal pendants fall detectors and bed occupancy sensors, linked to our monitoring center. Services can be extended with a 24-hour answering service for one year for those who do not have family or caregivers can meet local calls.

References community

team Hillingdon social services and patients discharged from hospital Hillingdon initially offered the telecare services to maximize their independence in the community. Hillingdon resident may request, and the service is free to those who meet FACS, and all residents over 85.

results Reablement

Earlier this year, we evaluate our telecare service over the last 12 months, looking for 195 people using telecare support programs improved.

In 48% of cases had delayed the need for additional services, and in 42% of cases are allowed to refuse support plan. Basically, this means that the admissions placements care is halved, and are at their lowest level since April 2008 - help more people to continue to live independently in their own homes

also exceeded the target of 750 new telecare users, with 1,120 new beneficiaries of the service. Overall, the new model has resulted in savings of £ 4.7 million in its first year, reducing spending on admissions to home care.

Seeds of success

I think our success in delivering effective Reablement, better resource management and cost reduction is due to several factors.

Firstly, we have the full support of the Council, leader of the council is both the greatest champion of the people and an accountant. This commitment has the highest buy-in, and contributed to its financial planning service.

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